Project partners
The Ministry of Education, Research, Science and Sport of the Slovak Republic is the primary partner of the project and is organisationally responsible for regional education. It functions as the administrator of the Central Point information system (Slovak: Centrálny bod) and provides schools and their students and employees with individual eGov services.
The Ministry’s partner on the project is the Government Office of the Slovak Republic, which secures the operation and availability of the central portal as its operator, and secures the administration, operation and development of Govnet and electronic connections between state entities using Govnet as the administrator via the National Agency for Network and Electronic Services (NASES). Within the DUD project, the Government Office built a high-performance network for the Ministry’s needs in individual regions operated by one of its organisations, the NASES.
The project is financed from the European Regional Development Fund within the Operational Programme Informatization of Society (OP IS).
Digital educational content is provided to schools based on their unique needs and the technical and financial capacities of the Ministry. The level of public internet security is configured in collaboration with the Research Institute for Child Psychology and Pathopsychology (VÚDPaP)*.